Hola, Hello, und Hallo! My name is Miguel Jimenez Gomez, but you can call me Miguel. I was born in Mexico, and moved to Houston when I was about 5-years-old. I am currently a Sophomore from Lovett College majoring in Mechanical Engineering and hopefully minoring in Engineering Design and German Studies. I am very interested in photography work (mainly film), motorsports (history and current), model car collecting, reading novels whenever possible, and language studying!
Me in 2019 at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart with a 1971 Porsche 917 LH (Langheck).
At Rice, I have been involved in clubs such as Rice Electric Vehicle (REV) and RAW.Photography to align myself with my interests while I am here. I have also experienced aspects of the OEDK by taking ENGI 120 as FWIS 188. I also had the opportunity to do study abroad for CLIC in Leipzig, Germany for Summer 2023.
Some things I would say I am proud of making are darkroom prints of some of my photographs. I attended some photography courses during my senior year at an art school in Houston, and I managed to learn some very interesting processes for developing and darkroom printing black and white film. I eventually learned to mat some prints as well! I found this experience very rewarding as a creative as it let me expand my craft and control with my own photography.
Print of a model car photograph.
Miscellaneous darkroom prints.
Some things I would love to make in the future are color prints and also to get into model car kit building. Building my own model cars from a kit seems very rewarding as a project, and would be something that could teach me new craft skills. Ideally in the future, it would also be cool to design original vehicle designs with skills I learn from design courses at Rice.
Some things I would love to learn in ENGI 210 are how to work with 3D-printing and CNC machining. In the past, I saw snippets on how these processes worked, but never got to look into them in-depth. It would be very interesting to work with such rapid prototyping processes because I feel like they could be very useful for projects that I may interest myself in the future, and open many doors to other similar processes.