For this assignment I molded and casted my index finger.
The first step was to create the mold using a mix of water and alginate in a 1:1 ratio. After we had our mix, we put our 2 fingers in the mix for around 15 min. The next step was to make a mix of plaster of paris with water in a 2:1 ratio. Once the mix was ready, I poured it into the mold. Additionally, I attached one screw to each finger using blue tape. The problem was that the screws sank into the mix, so I had to attach screws again. I waited around 2-3 hours, but only one of the fingers came out. I think because one of my fingers was almost touching the bottom part of the container. The next time I decided to do it again but using one finger and make sure that I was not touching the bottom part of the container.
The finger came out nicely! After I had the fingers ready, I just left them dry for a day in Tupperware. After they were dry, I post process them by sanding them and removing some bumps.
After I had the two fingers ready, I painted them with gray spray paint using my mold as base for painting and just let them dry outside for 15 min. I wanted to give the fingers a nice detail, so I waited until the next day to put some nail polish with glitter into the nail section.
Honestly, I think the hardest part of this assignment was to attach the screws.
Finally, I did the cost model for these fingers.
Cost Estimation
Materials Price Source Quantity Total Alginate $7 Blick 1 bag 13 oz $7
Plaster of paris $22.78 Homedepot 1bag 11.34kg $22.78
Prototyping Engineer $54.08 per hour Zippia 5 hours $270.4
Facility Cost $90 membership TXRX Labs 1 $90
Quality Control $20.83 per hour Indeed 5 hours $104.15