
For this week’s assignment, we had to CNC mill a shape of our liking. I knew exactly what I was going to create as I wanted to make something that was more than just a design and represented something to me which is the Yin Yang. Yin (the black section of the symbol) represents shadows, feminine energy, and generally the more mysterious side of things. Yang (the white section of the symbol) represents the sun, masculine energy, and things that are more out in the open.  So I began the work for the assignment.

First I went on the noun project as selected the perfect image for the assignment and saved it in SVG file type. Next I opened this on file in carbide create where I first set up the dimensions of the wood that is the width, height and thickness. Then I resized the Yin Yang to 2.8 inches and made a outer circle to it of about 3 inches. I selected contour for the outermost circle and pocket cut the other inner parts as required for my symbol.

Then I opened this file on carbide motion and after many trials I got my perfect symbols which I further post processed it by filing using the sandpaper to get rid of rough edges. Later I spray painted it carefully according go the actual symbol. And hurray after more than 8 hours I finally got my Yin Yang ready!!!!..



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