Too much cheese said no one ever!

Hi Everyone!
For this week’s CNC project I decided to CNC Cheese blocks! I started by browsing nouns on the noun project and selected this icon. After sending my file to Carbide Create, I decided on various pocket and contour cuts, with the de

pth of pocket as 1-inch depth and contour as stock bottom. After preparing my file, I was ready to CNC. As the process started I had multiple failed attempts with the wooden block moving as the tape would not stick through because of the sawdust from the process towards the end when the contour started. I made sure to pause after every contour cut layer to secure the wood.  I also faced issues with the machine where the probing would fail multiple timed but restarting the machine would fix that.  After multiple unsuccessful attempts I finally had cheese!  To post process it, I sanded it with a 320 and  then used a 400 grid orbital sander. I spray painted it yellow and finished it with a clear enamel spray.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Cost Analysis:

Cost Type Cost Price Quantity Total
Material 4 x 4 plank $3.56 1 $5.48
Spray Paint

Clear Enamel 



1 $0.60


Labor CNC Machinist $25.10/hr 2 hour $50.20
Overhead $10
Waste/Scrap $3
TOTAL $69.88



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