Prior to this assignment, I had some (not a lot) experience using the laser cutters at the OEDK. I would be given a file and basically just had to press “print”. Other than knowing how to change the line thickness, I had minimal experience using Adobe Illustrator or kerf measuring. With this project I finally got some much needed experience with Illustrator that will be super useful in the future!
On my first try in cutting the box, I made two major errors. I did not measure for the kerf well (I only cut out like two flaps in some scrap wood and tried to measure the distance there), and I did not use the actual thickness of my wood when using the box-making website. This left me with a bunch of sides that did not fit together and would not make a good looking box even if they did.
After this blunder, I decided I would actually use the design for measuring the kerf that was given in out assignment. This left me with a much better-fitting box, but I still made two major errors. I once again neglected to use the actual thickness of my wood when creating the design of the box, and I did not carefully check to make sure all the edges of my images fit into their boxes, which left me with a side of my box that did not cut fully.
Once my error regarding using the thickness of my slab of wood was corrected, I was finally ready to print a fully functional box! I decided to add some more images to my final box that I thought better represented me! I ran into a few errors when trying to add new images to the cut in illustrator, but after some work, I was finally able to make a good box!