3D Printing a yeehaw friend

Here is the link to the thingiverse item I used for the project! I chose this one because I’m a big fan of snakes, but thought just a snake would be boring so I wanted a little *something something* to add on, hence the cowboy hat.

I first did the Bambu Lab printers, printing 2 long-boi’s. One of them unfortunately got messed up due to the first layer not sticking to the plate. That’s when I realised that it is because I forgot to use the glue stick to help the print stick. I tried again, this time with the glue, for my remaining long-boi’s, but the printer’s nozzle got clogged, so I had to restart that one as well. Finally, I was able to get the remaining long-boi’s made, and ended with a completed 4 PLA long boi’s

<- one of the long-boi’s

For the SLA Prints, I used the resin printer. Favour and I did our prints together to save time. We uploaded both of our files to PreForm. The print took about 2 hours and 45 mins. We then washed and cured them.

My pieces ended up breaking in half as I was trying to put him in the gumball capsules. I had to reprint them, this time at a smaller scale, to ensure that he would fit in the capsules. The resin prints seemed to be less flexible than the PLA prints.

For the PLA, it would be about $8, while the resin for the SLA prints was about $10. For labor, excluding the waiting time for prints, I spent about 5 hours on this project, so we will do the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour, or about $36.25. So a total of $54.25 total for 5 long-boi’s!


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