This week’s project involved creating a mold of our fingers from alginate and casting them with plaster of Paris. This project was a quick one!
We had to find the correct amount of alginate powder to mix with water until it reached an almost pancake batter-like consistency. Once we found that consistency, we had to place our fingers into the mixture until it solidified completely and created a mold of our fingers. After we made our molds, we had to create a plaster mixture to pour into the molds and create our casts. Once those were done, we were able to remove our casted fingers from the molds.

The plaster poured into the mold with our screw sticking out.

The completed casts.
Once the casts were removed, it was time to spray paint them. I decided to spray paint them with a silver color!
In terms of cost, a 1.75 lb bag of the exact alginate we used costs around $13.89 according to, and the plaster of Paris we used costs around $8.51 according to Amazon. With how much of each material we actually used in mind, I would expect the entire project to cost around $1 in terms of material.