Hello Everyone!
In this blog, I will be showing you the process it took to create my metal fish.
I first created my AI file by drawing my fish. I wanted to make a relatively simple shape so that the plasma cutter could easily cut the pieces. To cut the piece, I uploaded the file onto the computer. I made sure that the tool path was correct, and then moved the nozzle so that the metal would cut at my desired spot.

plasma cutter
Next step is post processing. To remove the metal dross near the edges of my piece, I used an angle grinder. I clamped my piece onto the table and used the angle grinder at a 45 degree angle to smoothen out the piece. here is the before and after of my pieces.
Next is sand blasting. I used the sand blasting machine to even out the texture of the surface. This is what it looked like after the sand blasting process.
Last but not least is spray painting. I spray painted 2 coats on each side, waiting around 20 minutes for each coat to dry before putting the next one on. This is what it looks like finally!
After finishing my pieces, I put away the materials I used. Here is a picture of my workspace.
Cost analysis:
- Metal: 1 x (24″ x 36″) = ~$16 (HomeDepot)
- Spray Paint: $4.50 x 1 = $4.50 (amazon)
- Labor: $20 x 4 = $80
- CNC machine usage: $90/hr x 0.5 = $45 (practical machinist)
- Angle Grinder: $39.99 (Harbor Freight)
- Sand Blaster usage: $265/day x 1/24 = $11.04 (Aztec Rental)
Total: $196.00