CNC – night sky

Hi everyone!

This was the first time I ever used a CNC machine, or even heard about it honestly. It was a nice homework and very straightforward to design, create and post-process. I chose to create a coaster for any canned drink or small glass, with the moon and some stars, as shown below in the figure. I took the SVG file from and modified it on the Carbide Create software to crave and cut the proper parts as I desired. 

Figure 1. SVG edited file on Carbide Create

I then went ahead with the CNC machine calibration and all initialization steps.

Figure 2. Calibration and initialization processes

My piece took approximately 36 minutes to complete, thus 72 minutes, or 1 hour and 12 minutes in total for both pieces. After having both my coaster parts I went ahead and used sandpaper to smooth out all my surfaces.

Figure 3. Total amount of minutes per piece (top); Wood block right at the start of CNC machining (middle); Wood block half way in CNC machining process (bottom)

Then, I took the pieces outside and used a natural wood stain for a more finished look. I let the paint soak for half an hour and then cleaned the pieces with a towel until all the excess came off and the wood was dry, as suggested in the instructions on the back of the product can. I can say I really liked the final result and I am excited to have built and post-processed something I will be actually able to use at home :). It was a nice overall homework assignment and I really enjoyed it. 

Figure 4. Resulting coaster

Cost Analysis 

Cost Type Cost Price Source Quantity Total
Materials Scrap wood  $0 Rice OEDK  2 blocks $0
Sandpaper (220 grit) $4.99 1 sheet  $4.99
Natural classic wood stain  $11.98 Home Depot  1 can  $11.98
Labor Working Operator $8/hr 1 hr 30 min $12
Prototyping Engineer (You!) $8/hr 30 min $4
Overhead Facility Cost (CNC machine) $65/hr Ultimate Precision Tech in Houston 1 hour $65
Design Iterations $5/iteration Estimation based on cost of materials used each iteration 0 iterations $0
Misc. Waste and Scrap $0 Estimation N/A $0
TOTAL $97.97
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