For this assignment we were tasked with cutting out two nouns from wood using one of the cnc machines. To start I first looked up a noun to cut out using the noun project website and found a file of a bird that is supposed to be a seagull but to me it looks more like a dove.

SVG file of seagull
Once I had the SVG file I imported it into Carbide Create and set the depth to 0.77″ and the size to 3.5″ x 5″. I then added an offset of 1/4″ outside of the outline to be used as the toolpath for the counter cut of my object. I then selected the two innermost vectors and added a pocket cut of 1/8″ to give some depth to my object while also keep the eye of the bird.

Bird Shape with offset

Toolpaths of pocket cut and counter cut
Once I had my toolpaths ready I then transferred it over to Carbide V6 to create the G-code necessary for Shapeoko Pro machine to cut out my object. Once I had my piece of wood clamped down and the origin set I let the machine run for about 20 minutes until it was finished.

Shapeoko in Action
After I cut out my first piece I noticed that my tabs weren’t cut out which luckily didn’t affect the outcome of the cut but did left very thin strips of wood that I was able to peel off easily. For my second cut I added tabs and repeated the same process as my first cut.

Result of Second Cut
Once I had my pieces cut out I then removed the tabs using a rasp and sanded both pieces with 120 grit and 400 grit sandpaper. Once both pieces were sanded I then applied a coat of beeswax and clear coat, resulting in two essentially identical seagulls/doves.

Finished Pieces

Clean Workspace
Cost Analysis:
0.75″ X 5.5″ Douglas Fir: $12.95/ft * 0.417 ft = $5.40
Assuming 300 W usage for 20 minutes and electricity costs $0.113/KwHr: 0.1 KwHr * $0.113 = $0.01
Labor Cost: $15/hr * 3 hr = $45
Beeswax: $0.62/oz * 1 oz = $0.62
Total Cost: $51.03