Hey everyone! My name is Sandeep Ramlochan, and I’m a freshman studying Electrical and Computer Engineering with minors in Economics and Engineering Design from Trinidad and Tobago! Nice to meet you all.
At Rice, I‘ve been taking advantage of the opportunity to explore different interests and experience new horizons. So whether that meant spending my Saturday’s in the OEDK with Rice Wind Energy, or working together with Rice’s South Asian Society to host community events on campus. Whether that means developing software with Machine Learning at Rice, or understanding the basics of Consulting and Finance, I look forward to the realm of possibilities that the next four years at Rice have to offer!
During my first semester at Rice, I took a course called ENGI 120: Introduction to Engineering Design, where my teammates and I developed a medical-standard infant suction monitor with a real-time UI to quantify feeding ability in newborns. We utilized an Arduino Uno with a Sparkfun MicroPressure Sensor to produce a functional prototype, which, together with our UI, provided graphical real-time analysis of feeding pressure, temperature, and humidity.

My team’s ENGI 120:Infant Suction Monitor
Going forward, I look forward to making a functional prototype of a wave energy converter. Unlocking the vast untapped energy of the ocean is a stepping stone to securing a more sustainable energy future! Developing a small scale prototype of these converters is something I look forward to learning more about and building soon!
Through ENGI 210, I’m ready to develop my prototyping skills and technical acumen to build real world solutions to real world problems, driving social impact and innovation one project at a time.