First I got all of my materials ready. Before I designed my apron I searched up some online inspiration! Went on a website where they were selling a basic apron and measured based on how it looked on the model. (Photo below)
The measurements I made of myself are listed below:
Width of the top = 10in
Width at the waist = 25in
Total length = 29in
Where ribbon will be tied = 12in down from top
I then measured out all of these onto a big sheet of paper shown below.
I then added curves for it to be a cuter design then cut out the shape fo the apron!
I then taped it onto the fabric and marked out ½ in out from the paper.
I then sewed the edges! Afterwards I decided to make a ladder lock for the straps. Pictures of the 3d printing are below.
Then I decided to sew the edges of the straps by doubling it over 3 times. I then attached the string to the main fabric of the apron using a box stitch.
Below are the pictures of my clean workstations!
Lastly here is the picture of me wearing the final product! Shoutout TA Madison for taking the photo.
Cost Analysis:
1 yd of fabric: $5
1 yd of ribbon for straps: $1
5 hours for $15 per hour: $75
Total: $81