Hi! Here is my process for making metal cat diamonds! I’ve never worked with metal before, so it was a very interesting and novel experience.
First, I decided to make a cat design for my metal diamond. I went onto Adobe Stock and found a vector file of a cat that I liked, which I then imported into Adobe Illustrator, along with the diamond template.
After that, it was time to waterjet! Under the supervision of Katherine, the TA, I carefully followed the instructions for the waterjet cutting. I first imported my diamond into the ProtoMax software and then followed the instructions to set up the file. I then set up the machine in preparation for cutting by placing the metal into the machine, clamping it down, adjusting the height of the cutting nozzle, adjusting the water level, and making sure the garnet levels were enough. After everything was set, I started the cut. The cutting went very smoothly, and I was very happy with the result!
After this, I started with the post-processing sequence. First, I filed down the rough edges on the back side of the cut. I was very careful filing after the cautionary warning Dr. Wettergreen had given in class. After that, I took it to the sandblaster to refine and smooth it out further. I really enjoyed using the sandblaster! It was very intuitive and had such great and clean results!
Next, I started the process of powder coating. This part was the most challenging for me, and it took the longest. There were fellow classmates also powder coating when I went to powder coat, so I joined in. I picked out a matt black powder coat because I wanted to make my cat have some spots of dark coloring because it is a ragdoll. When I first started powder coating, not much powder came out of the nozzle, even though the air compressor was at the correct power level. I soon realized that it was because the head of the powder coat gun was loose, so I tightened it, and it worked a lot better! I then took it to be baked with the rest of my classmates, who had been powder coating with me.
I then created some outlines for vinyl stencils on Adobe Illustrator because I wanted my cat to be spraypainted cream-colored except for the face and the tail, and cut it on the vinyl cutter. I realized that the vinyl stencil didn’t cover the edges, which I also wanted to protect from the spray paint, so I used masking tape to cover the diamond more.
Then I started to spray paint. The spray painting did not go as smoothly as I intended. I tried to use light coats of spray paint; however, I didn’t shake the can enough at first, so a few larger drops of spray paint came out of the can, making the texture rougher than intended. I did a couple of coats until the black was all covered, waited for it to dry in between coats, and then peeled off the masking tape and vinyl.
I was happy with the results on the top side, however, I realized that some spray paint still managed to get sprayed onto the side of the diamonds, thus, I used a wet paper towel and scratched the overspray off as best I could. It took a while, however, I was able to get most of the spray paint off!
I had fun making this metal diamond cat; I think the results are cute! Things that I definitely could improve on next time is being a lot more careful with spray paint.
Here is a picture of my cleaned workspace:
Cost Estimate
Aluminum Sheet: $14.59 (https://www.amazon.com/Aluminium-Thickness-Sheets-Polished-Deburred/dp/B08PP3MWC5)
Vinyl sticker paper: $9.97
Powder Coat: $12.73 (https://www.amazon.com/Component-Pro-Powder-Paint-Black/dp/B0051LMJV6?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A36XG5Q18RIWV8)
Spray Paint: $10.75 (https://www.amazon.com/Montana-Acrylic-Shock-White-Cream/dp/B004O7AUF0)
Labor: $21/hr for 5 hrs → $105 (https://www.ziprecruiter.com/Salaries/Sheet-Metal-Fabricator-Salary-in-Houston,TX)
Total: $153.04