Making Plaster of Paris Fingers

I actually made the plaster fingers twice. The first time I made it was in class. However, I broke it while removing the mold, and since I didn’t know that this was meant to be an assignment, I simply threw it away. So I made it a second time.

The first thing I did was measure 150g of alginate and mix it with 150 ml of water. This is different from what we did in the class. However, these were the instructions on the assignment document. Then I stirred it till the lumps were gone, then I put my fingers in it. After waiting for several minutes I tested the firmness of the mold and decided that it seemed to have set and gently pulled my fingers out.

In a separate cup I mixed 60ml of Plaster of Paris with 30ml of water, then poured the PoP into the mold. I stuck to Phillips screws into the plaster; I did this instead of using the jig because the last time I used a jig, I wasn’t able to figure out the spacing accurately and messed up the angle of the screws.

I went back in two days later to demold my fingers.

Following this, I spray-painted them. One of those fingers is painted completely red, and another I spray painted red-yellow and messed around with the texture.


The last work place I used was the trash area outside the OEDK, so I didn’t take a picture!


Cost analysis:

Cost Type Cost Price Source Quantity Total
Materials Alginate $19.99/450 g 150 g $6.66
Plaster of Paris $10.19/8 lb 30 g $0.16
Silicon cups $9.99 for 4 2 $5
Popsicle sticks $7.59 for 60 2 $0.25
Screws $11.99 2 $0.24
Spray Paint $5.95/can (12 oz) 0.25 oz $0.12
  Nitrile Gloves $8/100 2 $0.18
Labor Prototyping Engineer (You!) $36/hr 1 hrs $36
Overhead Outdoors None myself 1 hrs $0
Total for one round of molding and casting:         $48.61
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