Emmie’s Press Fit Box

Coming into 210, one thing I did not understand was how to create something perfect by calculating the Kerf. This project was really interesting to me just to perfect the kerf.

My first attempt as shown here, the kerf was too high which caused the box to not perfectly stick together. I did a drop test and found that before it hit the ground, my box disassembled.

I then went through the machines manual to see the expected kerfs and tried a smaller box again. While I do not have images of this box it was too tight. Lastly, working with some friends we came up with a kerf of 0.00929
with the thickness of wood being .4cm.

Here is the image of my settings for the Vector and Engrave that I sent over to the Epilog Pro.

This box fit together so well and I am really satisfied with the kerf. Doing a visual analysis of the box tho, I noticed there were many imperfections in the wood which caused a crazy hole in the middle of my wood. This box also fit the drop test! I would also like to note that I did not use the most perfection when created my outside design and in the future would love to use a different strategy to insure that my images were centered better within the frames.

Cost analysis:

Time (1 hour at $12/hour): $12.00
Materials (One ⅛” thick 48×24 inch plywood): $3.00
Machine (Estimated at $60/hour for 1 hour): $60.00
Total Cost: $75.00

Cleaned up work station!

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