One must imagine sisyphus happy


We are Darshon and Sandeep, and our project began with an ambitious idea: designing a Gallus Frame (below) where users could rotate a crank to raise and lower a minecart. However, after our initial design review (Gate 1), we realized that the concept lacked complexity and potential for meaningful iteration. This led us back to the drawing board, where we explored new mechanical systems that would be both engaging and technically challenging.

During our research, we came across an intricate model of Sisyphus, which immediately stood out. The myth of Sisyphus—eternally pushing a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll back down—resonated with the iterative nature of engineering and prototyping. It was the perfect choice for our project, combining mechanical movement, precision engineering, and artistic storytelling.

From there, we embarked on a rigorous fabrication process, refining the design to ensure smooth motion, laser-cutting dozens of intricate wooden pieces, and troubleshooting gear meshing issues. After many late nights and countless hours spent in the OEDK,  we successfully built a functional, aesthetically striking Sisyphus automaton.





While the parts were already created in svg files, we had to print out test pieces to test the fitting of pieces together for the thickness of the wood:


It has to fit together tightly, but not too tight that the piece in the middle can’t rotate. After many iterations, we settled on 110% scaling, and the settings for the laser cutter to be 18% speed, 100% power, 10% frequency.


Next we began printing the 9 files, each roughly of 30×30 inches. In total, we spent around 10 hours on the laser cutter.

They all looked similar to this with engravings on the pieces so we knew where each part went once it was all cut. Many times we broke pieces or they didn’t come out right, so we had to reprint them individually which was a pain in the ass because we only needed the machine for 5 minutes at a time sporadically which was incompatible with the booking system of Fabman, and was even more of a pain during the last couple days because everyone was using the laser cutter.


This is how much space the entire cut pieces took up:

It was on multiple chairs, the entire open table, and in the wooden table in the back left.


We tried our best to make the movement work in time for Gate 3, and while it was functional, many pieces were broken and not rotating. The gears were tight and could barely turn, so we took that information and iterated again, reprinting the entire gear system and lubricating as we went and working. Also we had some gear meshing issues due to improper alignment when placing the gears onto the the central back board.


Once we put it all together, and used the crank and it worked, WOW, that was a moment of relief. Everything was glued in place, so if it didn’t work, we’d have to start COMPLETELY FROM SCRATCH (-60+ hours).



Then we stained it, but because there was a lot of leftover wood glue, it wouldn’t let the wood stain soak into the wood. So we had to sand down everything and restain it multiple times. We also had to come up with an idea of how to incorporate vinyl into the final design. We settled on a lightning bolt on the rock to represent Zeus cursing sisyphus to his eternal torment, and an arrow to represent the direction of rotation. Although rotating it either way looks the same, for some reason clockwise movement felt like it was going to break the gears. There was nothing that prevented clockwise movement.



The finished product!



Total combined labor, 80 hours at $20/hr – $1600

Plywood, 10 60×60 sheets – $520

Vinyl – $10

Woodstain – $7.98

Sandpaper – $10.42

Wood glue – $3.97

Total: $2152.37




When cutting a lot of things out, it’s very important that the cut is all the way through. So when you have to choose between extra burn or something that isn’t completely cut, take the extra burn. There were so many pieces that we had to either reprint the whole thing or use a utility knife to try to cut it out.

You can use the laser cutter to cut out interconnecting shafts by creating rectangles with rectangles cut out in the middle to put two together.

How the vinyl cutter works.

Must remove dried wood glue from wood before staining.

The Engineering Design minor captures the essence of Sisyphus—countless hours spent designing, prototyping, and iterating, only for your project to seize to function. Yet, through the relentless process, there’s an undeniable satisfaction in every moment of the journey.



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