Dragon Box

I used makeabox.io to generate my box design. I made a 4″x4″x4″ design and estimated the kerf as I was unsure of what  thickness of the wood I would finally use. I added my name, info, residential college and a couple of mayan dragons for a bit of a flair.

I currently do not know how much time  or how many attempts I made to use the laser cutter, but the machine was not a fan of my box. The first few times I attempted to use it the laser didn’t turn on and it just moved around in vain.

Some of the parts did not cut all the way through, no matter how mant times I tried. It sounds like the inital machine was broken and the wood might have retained some moisture.


As a result, I had to force some pieces out with a box cutter (punny) and finger strength.

I incorporated pieces from various attempts. Hence the two dragons.

I thought the etching came out nicely.

Cost: $297.48

3 pieces of wood: $8.83*3 = $26.49

Labor: $10/hr * 10hr = $100

Laser cutter time: $15/hr*10hr = $150

Adobe Illustrator: $20.99/month = $20.99



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