BIOE 677 First Blog Post

Hi everyone! My name is Ricardo Gonzalez, but most people know me as Ricky. I am originally from Queens, NY, but raised in Scranton, PA (yes, that is where The Office takes place). I am in the PSM (Professional Science Master’s) Space Studies program, specializing in Engineering.

During the spring of 2022, I joined Rice Eclipse and dedicated most of my time to the Payload’s sub-team! Moreover, I am proud of the 3D printed glider that I designed for my senior research project at my undergraduate institution. I look forward to usingĀ  CAD and 3D printers to create a replica of NASA’s SLS (Space Launch System (Rocket))! Lastly, I hope to excel in my abilities in CAD to help build my experience and creativity (something I admittedly suck at lol).


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