I really enjoyed this project and am moderately happy with the final result.
I started out with a piece of paper to trace the outline onto the red fabric. I decided to cut a 34″ x 24″ rectangle firstly. Holding this up to my body, I decided that the notch should go down 10″ and in 4″. After finalizing these dimensions, I cut the fabric and was ready to go!
I found some cool fabric in the scrap bin so I repurposed it into straps and a pocket for my apron. I eyeballed the length for the straps by holding one up to my body and cut them uniform from that initial strap.
I started by folding the strap in half longitudinally to make the material a little stronger. I sewed two lines down the length of all three straps.
Next, I started making the seams along the edges of the apron. My first sewing along the bottom of the apron turned out very crooked as I did not make the seam in a straight line. But the following seams on the sides and along the top improved quite a lot.
Next I tried my hand at box stitching to attach all of the straps. The first and second box stitches were far from perfect but they did resemble a box and structurally served their purpose. I was especially proud of the third box stitch on one of the side straps and felt like it looked pretty great.
Finally, I cut out a rectangle and sewed it on the apron to be a big pouch pocket.
Overall I am pretty happy about the look of the apron and am glad I decided to make my own straps so they would match the pocket. If I were to do this project again, I would choose a thread color that is a similar color to the fabric and be more careful with the bottom seam so its not crooked.
Cost Analysis
Fabric (link): $4.99 / yard * 1 yard = $4.99
– straps and pocket can be made with scrap fabric
Sewing thread (link): $1.99 / 125 yards –> $0.015 / yard * 5 yards = $0.08
Labor: 4.5 hours *$15 / hour wage = $67.5
Machine time: 4 hours (link) they are very inexpensive to purchase so machine time cost should be low
Total calculated cost: $72.57 / apron