TJ’s no.1 crate!! (the best crate that I’ve ever had)

So first, I really want to say thank you to Jasmine for always being so supportive. She’s definitely the best teammate that I could ever have. We DID it! I just want to say our crate is the best!

Step 1: Cut the woods, Sand all pieces surface & Route the edges

Because we want our crate is the crate that carry fruits, we decided to leave some spaces on the bottom which can allow better ventilation. We used this bandsaw to trim the woods.

Also, we thought that the handle would be nice, so after drawing the sketch we want on the woods, we followed the sketch and cut the woods with this bandsaw. (under lab assistant’s watch)

Next, we routed and sanded (first with 40 or 60 grit and final with 400 gritall the pieces and the handle part. To be honest, routing the handle (curve) is not that easy as routing the straight line. And I think we spent most our time on sanding!! It’s a pretty hard time to sand all the woods with electric orbit sander or just by hand.



Step 2: Assemble pieces into layers


Now this is the fun part! I really like assembly. Jasmine and I are a great team 🙂



Step 3: Sand with the whole box with 800 grit

And… the crate is almost done! Only one step to go!


Step 4: Apply tung oil on the crate

We REALLY love the natural wood look so we just want to put the tung oil on for low gloss and protection from water.



And we’re done! I am really proud of my team and our work .


* One thing that could be done better is the bottom foot. It’s a little wobbly.


We may make some mistakes. But after we’ve gone so far, every thing every part is memory.



Cost Analysis:



1×4 (14.5″x9+12″x6= 244.68 ft.): 245 * $3.55 for 8 ft. = $108.7

2×2 (10″x4= 48.3 ft.): 49 * $3.55 for 8 ft. = $21.7

Screws:  48 * $12.51 for 110 screws  = $5.46

Formby’s clear tung oil:  0.1 * $10.98 for 0.47 liter = $2.34

Labor:  15 hours * $15 (Rice minimum wage per hour) = $225


TOTAL COST:  $108.7 + $21.7 + $5.46 + $2.34 + $225 = $363.2


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