
I was pretty excited to complete this project because I’ve always seen people use the 3D printers at the OEDK but I never properly learned how to use them myself.

Choosing my first design

As I was scrolling through thingiverse, I found an axolotl model that I wanted to print. I adjusted its size and began the printing process.

Everything seemed to be going fine. I waited around 4 hours for my axolotls to be ready.

All i had left to do was peel the ground layer off, which turned out to be a lot more difficult than expected. The parts of the 3D printed model of the axolotl were very small and so difficult to peel. Its parts were so small that some of the axolotl’s fingers weren’t connected together by the printer.

I tried to peel the axolotls off for quite a while

I tried to peel the ground layer as gently as possible but accidentally tore its head off…

poor little axolotl 🙁

I now had an axolotl with no head and missing fingers.

My second try at 3D printing a model

I decided it would be wiser to print a different model that had less small parts and would be easier to peel off. This was a bit disappointed because I already told my parents I was printing axolotls and I kind of wanted to show them my mini axolotls. I found another model I liked, called articulated slugs.

These ones turned out to be a lot easier to peel.

I then used another printer to print my fifth slug made with a different material.

Cost Analysis

PLA cost (50g) = 50 x $0.029 = $1.45

Labor: 3 x $11 = $33

TOTAL= 34.45



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