[KYLE’S BOX] A New Canto

The overall process for making a box was simple enough, though it did require some fiddling with the laser cutters.


In finding the kerf of the laser cutter, I used the Epilog Fusion Pro to cut the provided file. Upon using a digital caliper to measure the created gap, it appears that the accumulation of 10 kerfs was 0.124 in; the laser cutter in question had a kerf of approximately 0.0124 in.

Image 1: The laser cut kerf tester


Image 2: The caliper reading of 10 kerfs

The design

Using MakerCase, I designed a 4” x 4” x 4” box with a material thickness of 0.186 in and a finger size of 0.76725 in. Upon loading the given .svg file, I added the required portions (college crest as well as basic information) and some designs from a game I play, Limbus Company.

Image 3: The caliper reading of material thickness

Image 4: My intended design


Due to the fact that the Epilog Fusion Pro was reserved, I tried to use the Epilog Fusion M2 (although I really shouldn’t have, given that I didn’t measure the kerf of that machine). Nevertheless, upon trying to cut my design, it appears as though some lines were not recognized.

The ideal box

Now using the Epilog Fusion Pro, I ran into a small error where the software displayed a vector cutting time of 0 seconds. At first, I didn’t consider this to be too big of a deal, given that engraving a piece enough times should act as an inefficient vector cut. However, upon seeing the time the cut would take, I wanted to fix this issue.

Image 5: How long the very inefficient method would take

It turns out I could import a material into the software, thus fixing the issue for whatever reason. With my pieces cut, I assembled the box and took it outside for a bit of a sanding.

Image 6: The assembled box (with a hefty amount of laser burn)

Using 220 and 400 grit, I removed the vast majority of laser burn (though some of the sawdust did enter the box).

Image 7: The sanded box

Image 8: The clean workspace


96 in2 of 1/4” plywood at $46.68 for 4608 in2 (HomeDepot) – $0.97

1 hour of Laser Cutter usage at $0.36 for an hour of usage (Accurl) – $0.36

2 hours of work for $7.25 an hour (Minimum Wage) – $14.50

Total: $15.83

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