The Knotted Orbit

For this project we were assigned to find a 3D object that could not be made in one piece in any other way than 3D printing. After searching ThingiVerse I found this cool object which doubles as a simple toy:

Object with texture printing

Object with texture printing

The way the piece loops around makes this piece impossible to be made without breaks with any other  technique, especially since it has such complicated overlap in the middle areas.

The knotted orbit also had matlab files for texturing which could have ran on the Ojbet printer, but unfortunately that printer had a huge queue on it so I printed using the Fortus 250mc instead. I grabbed a lab tech and we loaded the file into the computers and resized it on the 3D printing program (6x6x4 inch to 3x3x2 inch). We then choose the material and sent it to the printer. 12 hours later, the item was done printing and then placed into the sodium hydroxide bath to remove support material. The final piece came out a bit rough since the support material didn’t come off as easily as I would have liked and had to be chipped off a bit. This can be fixed by sanding the sides with a very fine sand paper, but since the ball moves perfectly fine even with the rougher edges I opted not to sand the piece.

Kotted Orbit

Final Printed Object


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