looking about right for a poke

my beautiful appendage wasn’t quite long enough to meet the requirements for the assignment. story of my life.

i used 65d polyethylene in an alginate mould.

exquisite detail. too small.


naturally, i tried catching lightning in a bottle twice. i used the same process, and the result was underwhelming.

there was quite a bit of deformity, though I did develop a process to isolate 1 finger so i only had to mould that one finger. it involved using a cup where holes were cut in the sides through which I could fit the nonessential fingers.

i tried again with plaster and my moulding process and we got a pretty good result.

there was some additional shaping that occurred after removal from the mould, but I could now use my plaster positive to make a silicone mould or something of the like

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