Molding and Casting – Brandon Bravo

For this assignment, we were tasked with molding and casting two of our fingers. In class, we created the mold substance by using a one to one ratio alginate powder and water, followed by stirring until the substance resembled pancake batter. We then inserted two fingers into the substance and waited for it. Once it hardened, we then removed our fingers and began making a plaster mixture to pour into the molds. After creating the mixture, I hung a screw above/into each finger hole using tape and then poured the plaster mixture into the molds. I then let the mixture set overnight before removing the fingers.

After removing the fingers, I noticed that the screw for one of them had been covered almost completely by the plaster. I decided to use a hand saw to remove the bottom portion of the plaster in order to free the screw. I was able to smoothly and easily cut and remove the plaster to allow the end of the screw to appear.

I then applied a layer of spray paint to both fingers and allowed them to dry for the recommended period (24 hours).

Clean Workspace:


  • Alginate
  • Plaster
  • Water
  • Measuring Cups
  • 2 screws
  • Spray Paint

Cost Estimate

  • Alginate: After looking online, I would estimate that a bag of alginate powder would cost around $10
  • Plaster: After looking online, I would estimate that a bag of plaster powder would cost around $5
  • Spray Paint: After looking online, I would estimate that a can of spray paint would cost around $5
  • Miscellaneous: I estimate the remaining items to cost around $5
  • Labor: I based my hourly wage on America’s minimum wage, which is $7.25/hour. I spent roughly 3 hours working on the fingers. Therefore, the total labor cost would be $21.75
  • Total Cost: $46.75
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