Intro to Benji Otting

Hi all,

My name is Benji, and I am an ARTS major in my junior year.

On campus I am involved with the men’s club frisbee team (see sick action pic below)

This was in Tulsa, it was so cold and really windy, which makes the discs real hard. 170g of plastic never hurts as much as on these days.

Something I made that I am proud of is my final pieces from my drawing class last year:

Cliffs West of San Ysidro (left)  Shining Rock in Charcoal (right)


This semester I want to make more landscape art in my painting class, and perhaps incorporate it into my work in ENGI 210. I like to work with my hands, and this class seems like the right place for that. I have done lots of woodworking in the past, but not with power tools, so that should be interesting.

In ENGI 210 I hope to hone my skills in precise machine working. Though I am very experienced with CAD, I have never done much 3D printing, or Laser Cutting.

That’s all for now,
– Benji


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