Saad’s Introduction to the ENGI 210 World

I am a senior mechanical engineer from McMurtry College. Outside of mechanical engineering, I am also pursuing a degree in Asian Studies and enjoy delving into south Asian and Middle Eastern history. Within mechanical engineering, I am really interested in robotics due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field. Among my hobbies, I enjoy tennis, biking, and trying amazing food!


I am really proud of my ENGI 120 project which entailed designing and fabricating an exhibit component for the Children’s Museum of Houston. We made two electromagnetic coil launchers that were implemented as part of the Shocks and Jolts exhibit.

Last semester, I worked with the eduMIP self-balancing inverted pendulum robot. I would like to design something similar that integrates a variety of electronic components. I’m hoping it can help me refine my mechanical design and coding skills.

While I have some basic experience with machines in the OEDK, I’m hoping my semester in ENGI 210 will really help me fine tune my prototyping skills. Ultimately, I would love to also prototype efficiently, from CADing fast to setting up fabrication processes well.

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