Nail Bitter

The initial mold that we made during class ending up breaking on the way out meaning I was going to have to make 2 new molds to finish the project.

Starting from scratch I mixed the alginate and the water in a 50/50 mixture until it looked like pancake batter. After I thought it was suffienciently mixed I put my finger in and waited. After 10 minutes I pulled out my finger. I then redid that process with the same finger in a different cup.


Then I created 2 contraptions to hold up screws over the cups. With that done I mixed plaster and water together to get liquid consistency and then poured it into the finger holes in the cups and then put the screws in them right after. After waiting an hour I came back and pulled them out carefully this time

After I pulled them out I noticed one of them looked significantly better than the other and was confused as to why as I did nearly identical process with both of them.

After cleaning some residue that remained on the fingers I went outside and spray painted them a blue color and put it inside to dry!


Labor – $15/hr for 1 hr – $15

Alginate – $15

Plaster of Paris – $15

Total – $45


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