H03: 2D Drawing

Total Estimate:$40.34

mATERIALS: $20.99/month

Used adobe illustrator software which can be bought for $20.99/month.


It took a total of 1hr to draw this part and because the average hourly pay of a machinist is $19.35/hr according to PayScale the labor cost is $19.35.

Movements chosen:



I chose these movements because they could be combined to create a swinging movement from turning a knob or driving a gear. I plan to use these in tandem to replicate the movement of wings.


To make these I fist took screenshots of the movements from 507 mechanical movements web-page. I then traced over the images by hand because I was having trouble with the adobe illustrator image tracer. The most difficult part of this was getting the curves for movement 101 correct because I had to use the curvature tool for the first time. It was a steep learning curve but I overcame it and used the tool again to trace over the spokes for movement 92.


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