Hello ENGI 210: An Introduction

My name is Hannah Andersen, and I am currently a sophomore at Lovett College (EOL RRF!).

I am here at Rice University with the intent of earning a BS in Bioengineering. Along the way, I’m also hoping to earn minors in Engineering Design and Global Health Technologies.

I’m proud of the ball-in-socket prototype that a teammate and I created during ENGI 120.

In the future, I want to create cost- and resource-efficient medical technologies for low-resource communities. Check out the GLHT website for some cool examples!

My goal for ENGI 210 is to become empowered to create things in the OEDK in a much more independent manner than I currently can. In particular, I hope to make myself a stronger teammate for future design teams that I will become a part of throughout my career as an engineer.


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