Hehehe, Hidden Blobfish

This project was fun because even though I have 3D printed before, this time around, I got to use a couple new programs and the resin printer!

To do this project, I had to find an impossible object that I liked, download the file, place it into a program, add supports, splice, then either add it to a que or put it on a SD card to print from.

I chose an infinity cube from MathGrrl. I liked the idea that in its cube form, there is a little hollow chamber inside. Because of the little pocket formed, I was able to put a tiny blobfish inside of it. I know it’s not a part of the impossible object, but I thought it was still fun and cute!

Carousel image representing the 3D design. Either an user-provided picture or a 3D render.

Screenshot of the piece I chose. This was very quick and easy. I just sized the blob fish in the editor to be 15 cm and it fit great inside the cube.

Screenshot of it on its bed with supports. This what the best configuration to minimize the supports and have an easy removal still.

Tiny Blob Fish!!! <3

PLA Part Printing. I felt like I was Goldie Locks because the first print I did was way too small, the second print was too big, and the third print was just right. I think I successfully made the part as large as I could and still have it fit in the containers. I do not know how I would have found the right size. I ended up using trial and error rather than my measurements of the container.

I did the resin prints very late at night and I forgot to take pictures. The resin Blobfish was very cute, and I loved it however the actual impossible object was unable to move because of how the joints fused while being printed. I think if I had had more time, I could have put in enough tender love and care to get them to move but I had to move on unfortunately. I do know that you can have a moving object if you make the part big enough because I accidentally made my first resin print 1.5 bigger than my final and I had no issues getting it to move both before and after curing.

Overall, other than finding times to put my part on/ finishing, printing was very strait forward and fun!

Price break down:

Material of pla across all versions = $10

12 hours at $10 an hour of designing and working with parts= $120

Total = $130

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