Ibrahim’s Introduction

Profile ImageI’m Ibrahim Muzammil, a sophomore mechanical engineer from Duncan. I am taking ENGI 301 along with ENGI 210 this semester, so I hope to be putting my major to work! I love basketball, so you can often find me at the rec trying to fix my jumper or watching Houston Rockets games in the evening.

Last semester, I was part of an ENGI 200 team that worked with the Houston Zoo to design a “smart egg” that was filled with sensors to monitor the incubation conditions of an Attwater Prairie Chicken egg. The project really challenged me to extend my abilities, since I had no experience with compact electronics or building and coding circuits of any kind. A picture of the egg’s outside shell, inside electronics and data dashboard is shown below, while a link to the full digitation page of the project can be found here.

I have always had an interest in cars. Unfortunately for me, the future of cars with internal combustion engines is becoming increasingly bleak, so I hope to be able to work on an ICE car before it is too late. While I am still excited about where electric vehicles will take us in the future, being able to work on an engine (preferably an old school block with more metal than wires) and make parts for it is a dream I hope to achieve sooner than later.

By taking ENGI 120, I hope to gain a solid foundation of knowledge that allows me to understand the capabilities of various tools so that I know which tools are best for engineering challenges I face in the future. While there may be various tools that can be used to complete a task, I hope to rely on the experience gained in this course to be able to select and operate the tool that best fits the needs of the problem, allowing me to make the most efficient use of materials while also solving the problem to the highest standard possible.

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